Any injury to the mouth, face or jaw is a Facial Trauma, also called maxillofacial trauma. These types of injuries result in burns, bruises and/or fractures due to falls, violence, sports injuries, industrial accidents or automobile accidents. If you’re experiencing severe pain, difficulty breathing or loss of function, always seek emergency medical assistance immediately.

Harsha hospital is very well equipped to provide treatment of maxillofacial trauma, we have specially designed Maxillofacial Operation theatre ,and indoor room
Harsha Hospital is one the best hospital in India for maxillofacial surgaries. We have a team of maxillofacial surgeons and anesthetist.
With the giant strides in medical technology and research, Harsha hospital is focused on continuously strengthening maxillofacial care on many fronts. The belief is that the delivery of this kind of care not only results in social betterment of patient lives but also creates a benchmark for the world.

Any injury to the mouth, face or jaw is a Facial Trauma, also called maxillofacial trauma. These types of injuries result in burns, bruises and/or fractures due to falls, violence, sports injuries, industrial accidents or automobile accidents. If you’re experiencing severe pain, difficulty breathing or loss of function, always seek emergency medical assistance immediately.

With full time maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Maitrey Bhalodia and his team offers a range of procedures that include maxillofacial trauma and surgery, reconstructive surgery, tumour surgery, cleft lip and palate surgery, pharyngoplasty, distraction osteogenesis, orthognathic surgery, temporomandibular joint disorders, dental surgery, dental implants, congenital anomaly correction and maxillofacial implants.
- Fractured jaws (upper and lower jaw)
- Fractured facial bones (cheek, nose or eye socket)
- Facial lacerations
- Intra oral lacerations
- Avulsed (knocked out) teeth
- Fractured facial bones (cheek, nose or eye socket)