Diagnosis is very important in this type of pain, we at Harsha hospital experienced that patient of Jaw Pain suffers a lot due to wrong guidance.
Jaw Pain is also called TMD(Tempromandibular joint disorder)
Diagnosis is very important in this type of pain, we at Harsha hospital experienced that patient of TMjoint pain suffers a lot because improper and wrong guidance.
Patient doesn’t know where to go? Its our duty to diagnose it and refer it to proper place,Our maxillofacial surgeon Dr maitrey G Bhalodia is specialist in his field so we have almost 95% success ratio to treat TMD.

- Pain while opening of mouth
- Pain while yawning
- Pain on morning
- Difficulty in chewing hard food
- Clicking sound on opening and closeting of jaw
- Deviation of jaw while opening

People may experience:
Pain areas: in the face, ear, jaw, or mouth
Pain types: pain since long 2-3 months
Mouth: difficulty chewing or toothache
Joints: crackles or tenderness
Also common: headache, joint locking, or muscle spasms.

Treatment Plan:
Occlusal Splint
It is lavaje of TMJ, we flushes the jaw site with RL solution.