Mouth Opening Surgeries also called Oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) is an oral precancerous condition characterized by inflammation and progressive fibrosis of the submucosal tissues resulting in marked rigidity and trismus.
It is a Pre Cancerous Condition

Signs and Symptoms:
- Reduced Mouth Opening
- Burning Sensation
- Unhealing ulcers
- White patches in oral cavity
- Stiff buccal Mucosa

Mouth Opening Surgeries also called Oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF). it is an oral precancerous condition by inflammation and progressive fibrosis.
At Harsha Hospital we treat you with two methods
Non Surgical method

- Medication(Long Course of 1-2 years)
- Injections
- Aggressive Physiotherapy
Surgical Method

- IntraOral Technique
In this method surgery performed entirely inside your oral cavity ,you will not have any scar on your face. - Extra oral Method
In this method we take flap from naso labial area so u will have noticeable amount of scar on your face.
AM I candidate for surgery?
We only advised surgery if you have quit all your habits before 3 months, and you promise us to not start again than only you will get result.
Will my mouth open completely?
NO, its depend on how you care after surgery, in this surgery your effort after surgery also its important, you need to keep doing aggressive exercise for 1-2 years of span, than you will defiantly get desired result.
How many days rest I required after surgery?
We advised 3 days of complete rest after surgery.
When should I start Exercises?
The immediate next day of surgery.
What should I eat?
You are advised to eat liquid diet for 3 days, after that can start eating normal food, you are not allowed to eat spicy and oily food lifetime.